
20th of August, 2019


.NET Model Generator with Mithril

Mithril.js is a JavaScript framework for creating client-side frontend apps or SPAs, and it’s incredible for its size. I always wanted to try it out because what I read about it was very appealing. The time has come.

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24th of February, 2017


Disable scrolling over embedded Google maps

If you have a full-width embedded Google map you are probably familar with the issue that the page can’t be scrolled because the iframe steals your mouse. There’s an “overlay” workaround floating around, here’s a simplifed verson of it.

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4th of October, 2013


qdPM Attachment List Addon

qdPM is a web based project management tool written in PHP that comes in free and paid flavors. Since I’m more used to Redmine I miss the attachment list feature above the comments. Attachments are scattered in the comment flow which makes hard keeping track of them, especially when a project grows large. The problem can be easily solved by adding an extra piece of JavaScript.

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