26th of February, 2019


Fake Disabled Submit Button State with CSS

There’s often a need to set a submit button state to disabled to avoid double submit or to indicate that something’s happening. Mostly it’s done with JavaScript but in some simple cases I would prefer a more lightweight and easy-to-add solution. Here is a way to fake it with CSS.

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16th of April, 2018


Pure CSS scroll-to-top

Given all the tools CSS offers I always wondered whether it was possible to make a scroll to top link functionality via CSS only. After many unsuccessful attempts the idea came in to try with position: sticky which finally began to work.

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24th of February, 2017


Disable scrolling over embedded Google maps

If you have a full-width embedded Google map you are probably familar with the issue that the page can’t be scrolled because the iframe steals your mouse. There’s an “overlay” workaround floating around, here’s a simplifed verson of it.

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